Best Scholarship Search Websites

Scholarship Websites to Help You Find Awards. Gain access to the world's largest and most trusted scholarship database. Fastweb's college scholarship database includes 1.5 million college scholarships
Best College Scholarship Search Engines.

Securing a college scholarship can significantly ease the financial burden of higher education. Scholarships not only provide financial aid but also recognize and reward academic and extracurricular achievements. However, the process of finding and applying for scholarships can be overwhelming.

If you’re trying to figure out how you’ll pay for college, you’ve probably heard friends or family say. “Scholarships for college are out there, you just have to look for them.”

But if you’ve actually tried to look for scholarships, you know that finding the right ones can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. There are over 5 million scholarships available to sift through for students in the US.

It’s a big haystack and we understand if it feels overwhelming. But it is true that with a little bit of work. You can win free money without having to pay it back. And, yes, there is a better way for you to search for scholarships.

This blog post aims to provide a detailed guide on reliable scholarship search websites. Offering practical advice and strategies to help prospective college students navigate the scholarship landscape.

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Best College Scholarship Search Websites

The best college scholarship search websites make it easy to find and apply for the legit scholarships that you have a real chance of winning. The sites featured below are our top picks for this year!

Overview of College Scholarship Opportunities

United States Scholarship– Best College Scholarship Search Websites

In the United States, scholarships are offered by a wide range of entities, including federal and state governments, universities, private organizations, and foundations.

The eligibility criteria for scholarships in the U.S. vary widely, often depending on academic merit, financial need, extracurricular involvement, community service, or specific demographics such as minority status.

Key Points:

  • Eligibility Criteria: Varies from merit-based to need-based, as well as demographic-specific scholarships.
  • Award Amounts: Ranges from small amounts ($500) to full tuition coverage.
  • Application Processes: Typically involve submitting an application form, academic transcripts, recommendation letters, and personal essays.

Best College Scholarship Search Websites in USA

1. Fastweb

  • Overview: Fastweb is one of the most popular scholarship search engines in the U.S., offering a vast database of scholarships and financial aid opportunities.
  • Usability: User-friendly interface with easy navigation.
  • Breadth of Listings: Extensive, with thousands of scholarship listings.
  • Filtering/Search Capabilities: Advanced filters to narrow down scholarships based on various criteria.
  • Application Guidance: Offers articles and resources on application tips.
  • User Reviews: Generally positive, praised for its comprehensive database. has been around since 1996 and has established itself as one of the most advanced college scholarship search websites available today. Using Fastweb, you can search for scholarships based on your area of study, strengths, skills and interests.

For example, if you’ll be studying engineering at your college, you can find specific scholarships that are available to engineering students.

You can also filter your scholarship search based on a demographic or ethnicity. If, for instance, you want to find funding that is specifically intended for African-Americans, bilingual students, or military veterans, Fastweb makes it easy to find those scholarships.


  • Overview: provides a large database of scholarships and grants, with resources for both students and parents.
  • Usability: Simple and straightforward interface.
  • Breadth of Listings: Comprehensive, with a wide range of scholarships.
  • Filtering/Search Capabilities: Effective filters to customize search results.
  • Application Guidance: Provides detailed guidance on scholarship applications.
  • User Reviews: Highly rated for its extensive listings and ease of use. provides access to up to $19 billion worth of scholarships and grants in their database, ready for you to search and use towards your college education.

Their algorithm will automatically recommend the scholarships that it thinks you have the best chance of winning. But if you’d like to manually search for opportunities, you can do that as well.

On, you can search by academic major, athletics, art, ethnicity, first in family, GPA, minority, music, state, and much more.

When you create an account with them, you are entered into a drawing to win a $500 scholarship. In order to use their scholarship search engine, you’ll need to create a free account on their website.

United Kingdom Scholarship– Best College Scholarship Search Websites

In the UK, scholarships are often provided by universities and private organizations. Many UK scholarships focus on academic excellence and specific fields of study. The application process is usually centralized through the UCAS system, making it streamlined compared to the U.S.

Key Points:

  • Eligibility Criteria: Often merit-based, with a focus on academic excellence and specific fields.
  • Award Amounts: Can vary significantly; some cover full tuition and living expenses.
  • Application Processes: Centralized applications through UCAS, additional essays, and interviews for some prestigious scholarships.

Best College Scholarship Search Websites in United Kingdom

3. Scholarship Hub

  • Overview: The Scholarship Hub is a UK-based platform that lists scholarships, grants, and bursaries available to UK students.
  • Usability: Intuitive design with easy navigation.
  • Breadth of Listings: Focused on UK scholarships, including niche opportunities.
  • Filtering/Search Capabilities: Robust search and filter options.
  • Application Guidance: Offers tips and advice on applying for scholarships.
  • User Reviews: Positive feedback for its UK-specific focus and comprehensive listings.

4. UCAS Scholarship Search

  • Overview: UCAS, the central organization for university applications in the UK, offers a scholarship search tool.
  • Usability: Integrated with the UCAS application process, making it convenient for students.
  • Breadth of Listings: Focuses on scholarships offered by UK universities.
  • Filtering/Search Capabilities: Basic filtering options.
  • Application Guidance: Limited, as it is part of the broader UCAS system.
  • User Reviews: Valued for its integration with the UCAS application process.

Australia Scholarship– Best College Scholarship Search Websites

Australia offers a diverse range of scholarships through government initiatives like the Australia Awards, universities, and private sector funding. These scholarships often target international students to promote Australian education globally.

Key Points:

  • Eligibility Criteria: Includes academic merit, financial need, and specific fields of study.
  • Award Amounts: Can range from partial funding to full tuition and living expenses.
  • Application Processes: Involves academic records, personal statements, and sometimes interviews.

Best College Scholarship Search Websites in Australia

5. Study in Australia

  • Overview: An official Australian government website that lists scholarships available to international students.
  • Usability: Clear and user-friendly interface.
  • Breadth of Listings: Comprehensive listings of government and university scholarships.
  • Filtering/Search Capabilities: Basic search and filter options.
  • Application Guidance: Provides detailed information on applying for scholarships in Australia.
  • User Reviews: Well-regarded for its authoritative and comprehensive information.

6. Good Universities Guide

  • Overview: The Good Universities Guide offers a scholarship search tool along with resources for studying in Australia.
  • Usability: Easy to navigate with a modern interface.
  • Breadth of Listings: Extensive, covering a wide range of scholarships.
  • Filtering/Search Capabilities: Advanced filtering options.
  • Application Guidance: Offers guides and articles on scholarship applications.
  • User Reviews: Positive reviews for its usability and comprehensive listings.

Canada Scholarship – Best College Scholarship Search Websites

Canadian scholarships are provided by universities, government bodies, and private organizations. Canada is known for its generous funding for international students, which encourages a diverse student population.

Key Points:

  • Eligibility Criteria: Merit-based, need-based, and specific demographic targets.
  • Award Amounts: Vary widely, with some providing full financial support.
  • Application Processes: Often require detailed applications including essays, transcripts, and references.

Best College Scholarship Search Websites in Canada


  • Overview: A leading Canadian scholarship database, listing scholarships, bursaries, and grants for Canadian students.
  • Usability: User-friendly with a straightforward design.
  • Breadth of Listings: Extensive, with a wide range of opportunities.
  • Filtering/Search Capabilities: Effective filters to refine searches.
  • Application Guidance: Provides articles and resources on scholarship applications.
  • User Reviews: Highly rated for its comprehensive listings and user-friendly interface.

8. Yconic

  • Overview: Yconic offers a database of scholarships, bursaries, and awards for Canadian students, along with resources on student life.
  • Usability: Modern and intuitive interface.
  • Breadth of Listings: Wide range of scholarship opportunities.
  • Filtering/Search Capabilities: Advanced filtering options.
  • Application Guidance: Offers detailed guides and resources.
  • User Reviews: Positive feedback for its comprehensive listings and additional student resources.

China Scholarship– Best College Scholarship Search Websites

China has been increasingly offering scholarships to attract international students. The Chinese government, universities, and provincial authorities provide these scholarships, which often aim to foster cultural exchange.

Key Points:

  • Eligibility Criteria: Includes academic merit and specific fields, with a strong focus on international relations.
  • Award Amounts: Often cover full tuition and living expenses.
  • Application Processes: Require academic records, personal essays, and proof of language proficiency.

Best College Scholarship Search Websites in China

9. China Scholarship Council (CSC)

  • Overview: The CSC provides information on scholarships funded by the Chinese government and universities.
  • Usability: Professional and informative, though navigation can be challenging due to language barriers.
  • Breadth of Listings: Focused on government and university scholarships for international students.
  • Filtering/Search Capabilities: Basic search options.
  • Application Guidance: Detailed information on application procedures and requirements.
  • User Reviews: Valued for its authoritative information, but some users find the website difficult to navigate.

Comparative Analysis

While all these countries offer substantial scholarship opportunities, key differences lie in the application processes and the emphasis on different eligibility criteria.

The U.S. and Canada have a more decentralized and diverse scholarship system, while the UK and Australia offer more centralized application processes. China’s scholarships heavily focus on attracting international students to enhance cultural exchange.

Other Reliable Scholarship Websites

10. Scholly: Streamlining the Scholarship Search

Overview: Scholly is a user-friendly scholarship search platform designed to simplify the process of finding and applying for scholarships.

Founded by Christopher Gray, a former scholarship recipient, Scholly aims to make higher education more accessible by connecting students with relevant funding opportunities.


  • Personalized Scholarship Matching: Scholly uses a proprietary algorithm to match students with scholarships tailored to their specific profile, including academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal attributes.
  • Scholarship Tracking: The platform provides tools to help users track their scholarship applications, deadlines, and statuses, ensuring they stay organized throughout the application process.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Scholly offers a mobile app, allowing students to search for scholarships and manage their applications on the go.
  • Essay Assistance: The platform also provides resources and tips for writing effective scholarship essays, helping students strengthen their applications.


  • Ease of Use: Scholly’s intuitive interface and straightforward process make it accessible for students of all backgrounds.
  • Comprehensive Database: The platform’s extensive database includes a wide range of scholarships, ensuring users have access to numerous opportunities.
  • Affordability: Scholly offers an affordable subscription model, making it accessible for most students.


  • Subscription Fee: Unlike some free scholarship search engines, Scholly requires a subscription, which may be a barrier for some students.

Scholly is a valuable tool for students seeking to navigate the complex world of scholarships. By providing personalized matches and robust organizational tools, Scholly helps students maximize their chances of securing the financial aid they need for their education.

11. ScholarshipOwl: Streamlined Scholarship Application Platform

Overview: ScholarshipOwl is an innovative platform designed to simplify and streamline the scholarship application process. It aggregates numerous scholarship opportunities and allows students to apply to multiple scholarships with a single, unified application.


  • Automated Application Process: Students fill out one comprehensive profile, and ScholarshipOwl uses this information to apply to multiple scholarships automatically.
  • Personalized Matches: The platform matches students with scholarships tailored to their individual profiles and qualifications.
  • Time-Saving: By automating the application process, ScholarshipOwl saves students time and effort, enabling them to focus on their studies and other activities.


  • Ease of Use: User-friendly interface that simplifies the application process.
  • Efficiency: Saves significant time by reducing repetitive tasks associated with multiple scholarship applications.
  • Personalization: Provides personalized scholarship matches, increasing the likelihood of securing funding.


  • Cost: While ScholarshipOwl offers some free features, access to its full suite of services requires a subscription.
  • Privacy Concerns: Some users may have concerns about sharing personal information with the platform.

Ideal For: Students who are looking to maximize their scholarship opportunities without the hassle of filling out numerous applications. ScholarshipOwl is particularly beneficial for those seeking a more efficient and less time-consuming approach to finding and applying for scholarships.

12. A Premier Scholarship Platform is a dynamic scholarship platform designed to connect students with unique funding opportunities tailored to their profiles.

Unlike traditional scholarship search engines, offers a streamlined application process, allowing students to apply for multiple scholarships with a single profile.

The platform features a variety of scholarships, including those based on merit, financial need, and specific fields of study. also partners with individuals and organizations to create custom scholarships, providing diverse and accessible options for students.

By focusing on simplicity and personalization, helps students efficiently find and secure scholarships to support their educational goals.

14. Scholarships360: A Comprehensive Resource for Scholarship Seekers

Scholarships360 is a robust platform dedicated to helping students find and apply for scholarships to fund their education.

It provides a user-friendly interface and extensive database of scholarship opportunities, catering to a diverse range of needs and backgrounds.

Students can benefit from personalized scholarship matches based on their profile, detailed guides on the application process, and regularly updated information.

Scholarships360 also offers valuable resources such as college admissions advice, financial aid tips, and career planning support, making it a comprehensive tool for navigating the complex landscape of higher education financing.

Whether you’re a high school student, current college student, or a graduate student, Scholarships360 can significantly enhance your scholarship search and application experience.

Comparative Review – Reliable College Scholarships Search Websites

When comparing these scholarship websites, several factors come into play, including usability, the breadth of listings, filtering capabilities, application guidance, and user reviews.

Websites like Fastweb and in the U.S. are praised for their comprehensive databases and user-friendly interfaces.

In the UK, the Scholarship Hub is notable for its UK-specific focus, while in Australia, Study in Australia is valued for its authoritative information. and Yconic are highly regarded in Canada for their extensive listings and user-friendly interfaces, while the China Scholarship Council is recognized for its authoritative information despite navigation challenges.

Practical Step-by-Step Advice on Searching for and Applying to Scholarships

Step 1: Identifying Relevant Scholarships

  • Research Early: Start your scholarship search early to avoid last-minute stress.
  • Utilize Scholarship Search Engines: Use reliable scholarship websites to identify potential opportunities.
  • Check with Your School: Many high schools and colleges have resources and advisors dedicated to helping students find scholarships.
  • Look for Local Scholarships: Community organizations, local businesses, and foundations often offer scholarships.
  • Consider Demographic-Specific Scholarships: Look for scholarships aimed at your specific demographic, such as minority groups, women, or first-generation college students.

2: Crafting Compelling Application Essays

  • Understand the Prompt: Make sure you thoroughly understand the essay prompt before you start writing.
  • Be Authentic: Write honestly about your experiences, goals, and why you deserve the scholarship.
  • Showcase Achievements: Highlight your academic and extracurricular achievements, but also explain what you’ve learned from them.
  • Proofread: Ensure your essay is free of grammatical errors and typos. Consider asking a teacher or mentor to review it.
  • Tailor Your Essay: Customize your essay for each scholarship application to show that you’ve taken the time to understand what the scholarship committee values.

Step 3: Submitting Required Documents

  • Organize Your Documents: Keep all necessary documents, such as transcripts, recommendation letters, and proof of eligibility, organized and easily accessible.
  • Follow Instructions: Carefully follow the submission instructions for each scholarship application.
  • Submit Early: Aim to submit your applications well before the deadlines to avoid any last-minute issues.

4: Following Up on Applications

  • Keep Track of Deadlines: Use a calendar or spreadsheet to track scholarship deadlines and submission dates.
  • Follow Up Politely: If you haven’t heard back within a reasonable time, send a polite follow-up email to check on the status of your application.
  • Be Persistent: Don’t be discouraged by rejections. Keep applying for as many scholarships as possible.

Strategies for Maximizing Scholarship Awards

Building a Strong Profile

  • Excel Academically: Maintain a high GPA and take challenging courses.
  • Get Involved: Participate in extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, or volunteer work.
  • Develop Leadership Skills: Seek leadership roles in your activities to demonstrate your ability to lead and make an impact.
  • Gain Experience: Internships, part-time jobs, and research projects can strengthen your profile.

Networking with Campus Resources

  • Utilize School Counselors: School counselors can provide valuable advice and resources for finding scholarships.
  • Join Student Organizations: Many student organizations have information on scholarships and grants.
  • Attend Scholarship Workshops: Participate in workshops or seminars on how to apply for scholarships.

Exploring Alternative Funding Sources

  • Consider Grants and Bursaries: Look for grants and bursaries, which do not need to be repaid.
  • Apply for Multiple Scholarships: Increase your chances by applying for as many scholarships as possible.
  • Seek Employer Sponsorships: Some employers offer scholarships or tuition assistance to employees and their families.

Managing Scholarships Funds and Compliance

Understanding Award Terms and Conditions

  • Read the Fine Print: Carefully read the terms and conditions of your scholarship award.
  • Understand Disbursement: Know how and when the scholarship funds will be disbursed.
  • Maintain Eligibility: Ensure you understand the requirements for maintaining your scholarship, such as GPA or enrollment status.

Managing Funds

  • Create a Budget: Plan how you will use your scholarship funds to cover tuition, fees, books, and living expenses.
  • Save for the Future: If your scholarship covers more than your immediate needs, consider saving some funds for future expenses.
  • Avoid Over-Borrowing: Use scholarship funds wisely to minimize the need for student loans.

Ensuring Compliance

  • Stay Informed: Keep track of any changes to the scholarship requirements or your academic status.
  • Communicate with the Provider: Maintain communication with your scholarship provider to stay updated on any necessary actions or compliance issues.
  • Report Changes: Inform your scholarship provider of any significant changes, such as a change in major or enrollment status.

Conclusion – Reliable College Scholarship Search Websites

Navigating the world of college scholarships can be daunting, but with the right resources and strategies, you can significantly increase your chances of securing financial aid.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of scholarship opportunities in various countries. Reviews of reliable scholarship search websites, practical advice on searching and applying for scholarships, strategies for maximizing scholarship awards, and guidance on managing scholarship funds and ensuring compliance.

By leveraging the information and tips provided in this post, prospective college students can effectively navigate the scholarship landscape and secure the financial support they need to achieve their academic goals.

Remember, persistence and careful planning are key to successfully obtaining scholarships and reducing the financial burden of higher education.