The Most Successful Blogs Crazily Earning Bloggers

The Top Earning Bloggers - Crazily Successful Blogs
For the people looking to earn a real income by starting a blog, let us inform the readers; you are redirected to the right page and have a massive scope of earning ample money in this industry. Many people all across the globe are earning significantly by following the digital nomad lifestyle. Numerous people are making money online in one or other ways

Today, am going to shock you with the incomes of some of The Top Earning Bloggers  on the internet and show you that blogging can be a serious deal.

And maybe, you too will become the next blogger on this list! While that might sound impossible, I were right where you [probably] are today.

  • Our bank accounts slowly went up, only to crash right back down again
  • Never getting to travel or explore the world [before we were 65 and retired] like we always dreamed of
  • Working normal jobs and trying to make something of our lives but feeling like we were just spinning our wheels

Related Post: YouTube or Blogging: Which One is More Profitable?

Fact: Did you know that the median salary for a CEO is about $250,000 + bonuses?

Yes, the median for the top 100 is around 15.7 million dollars, but that’s because this is the group of insane outliers.

The truer average is around $250,000 – $350,000.

What’s more insane is that some of these CEOs are making less than some people blogging on the internet. So if you never thought you’d make it to a CEO salary, think again.

I couldn’t believe it when I first learned about this. But, I will admit I was hopeful.

Related Post: How to Make Money Blogging ($100k+ in Year One)

Maybe I didn’t have to become a CEO of some massive company, which I had no desire for, to make that kind of money.

The Top Earning Bloggers – Crazily Successful Blogs

I kind of figured why not give this whole blogging thing a try? If other people are doing it, I could certainly try to figure it out…

Well, it was a certainly long three-year journey with many ups and downs, but we now make over $100,000 per month with our blog!

And it’s not just us.

I’m about to show you 21 of some of The Top Earning Blogs raking in big money in all sorts of niches.

But before we get into the exact incomes these bloggers are making, let me preface it with how I decided on the bloggers that were included in this list.

Related Post: How The Penny Hoarder Blog Makes Over $40 Million A Year

No Media Publishers Were Chosen

Buzzfeed, HuffingtonPost, etc. are technically “bloggers.”

They have blogs and they blog hard. But I consider these websites media publishers and not bloggers.

They have a large staff with coffee machines and board meetings. Aka, not your typical blogger working from home in his PJs (me).

Therefore, no media publishers are on this list. They are in a category all their own.

I’m Sure I’ve Missed Many Bloggers Along The Way

Not all bloggers share their income — and for good reason.

There are a lot of six and seven-figure bloggers out there that don’t publish their income, so I have no way of knowing exactly what they make to include them on this list.

Related Post: 22 Financial Bloggers Share Their Secrets To Running A Successful Blog

Also, as good as I am at internet detective work, I know I will have missed some important people somewhere in my research.

If you publish your income and feel like you should be on this list, leave us a comment below the article and let us know!

There is one more important question I want to address before we get to the main show.

How does The Top Earning Bloggers Make Their Money?

There are some patterns you may notice with the earnings from our fellow bloggers on this list. There are really only six different ways they are making most of their money.

Here is a shortlist of the terms upfront so you’ll know what I’m talking about in the article below.

  • Selling Printables – These are technically still a digital product but you can also print them out and use them as a physical product (think journals and guides).
  • Selling Physical Products – Only difference from above is that you’re selling something that they can physically hold. This can be anything from a health supplement to a T-shirt, etc.
  • Sponsored Posts – Where companies pay you to post something specific on your blog
  • Affiliate Marketing – Where you send your readers to other people’s products and get a percentage of the sale. Affiliate commissions from software companies are the most popular amongst successful blogs.
  • Advertising – Ads placed on your blog
  • Selling Digital Products (Courses and eBooks) – Creating a unique course or eBook on a topic and selling that information to your readers

The Top Earning Bloggers – Crazily Successful Blogs

This is how the vast majority of bloggers make their money. The Top Earning Blogs

Let’s now look at The Top Earning Blogs and their obnoxious blogging incomes. Make sure you take notes on the monetization methods they use in each niche.

1. Alborz Fallah – $125,000+/month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Alborz is the creator of Car Advice, where he turned his passion for cars into a successful blog and money-making business.

  • How they make their money:

Mainly through advertising and sponsorships with brands.

  • What sets them apart: 

Alborz has leveraged his personal blog project into a massive branded website and one of the most trusted car advice websites in Australia. They now have a team of over 30 people and publish content like crazy.

  • Biggest Takeaway:

Your blog can take your passions to cool places. Alborz gets to test drive amazing cars and gets all sorts of perks from his blog.

2. Jeff Rose – $138,000+/month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Jeff Rose’s blog, Good Financial Cents, is a financial blog teaching people how to obtain financial freedom from being smarter with your money.

  • How he makes his money:

33% of his income comes from a financial planning practice he manages. Another 33% comes from affiliate marketing products and services like Insurance Plans. 20% comes from selling online courses and digital products. The final 14% comes from sponsorships and advertising.

  • What sets him apart:

I think it’s the fact that Jeff actually runs his own financial planning practice that cements his blog as truly expert advice. I mean, if you were learning from a personal trainer online and they had a very successful practice or owned a gym, you’d probably trust them more as well.

  • Biggest Takeaway:  

You can take an existing business you have and use it as leverage for your blog success.

3. John Lee Dumas – $195,000+/month: The Top Earning Bloggers

John Lee Dumas and his wife run a podcast that has now done over 1,900 interviews with successful entrepreneurs like Tony Robbins, Gary Vee, and more.

  • How they make their money:

35% of their income comes from affiliate marketing – others courses and products like Clickfunnels (landing page software). 35% comes from selling sponsorships on this podcast. The last 30% comes from selling his own digital products and journals on Amazon.

  • What sets them apart:

They publish podcasts 7 days a week!

You heard that right. Every day, there’s a new podcast with someone else. (Hey, I should try to get on there…)

Obviously, there is a downside to this schedule, which would be grueling, but you can record podcasts in bulk to save time and have a normal life.

  • Biggest Takeaway:

Showing up consistently endears other people to you.

I actually have a buddy who does YouTube videos 7 days a week and it works VERY well for him.

His audience feels really connected to him because they hear from him every single day. It’s a strategy that can be used in almost any business.

4. Pat Flynn – $200,000+/Month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Pat Flynn is the crash test dummy of making passive income online over at Smart Passive Income. I actually met him a while back at a conference and he’s a solid dude. 

The Top Earning Blogs

  • How he makes his money:

40% of his income historically comes from affiliate marketing different products and services like ConvertKit, Bluehost, and other high prices courses. The Top Earning Blogs

The other 50% comes from selling his own products and courses. 10% comes from various other places.

  • What sets him apart: 

The first mover. The OG.

He’s been crushing the game since 2008, and I think every blogger remembers seeing his income reports as kind of a mind-blowing thing. Now, EVERYONE in the biz does them.

I think the other big factor is his authentic nature. When Pat talks, he just seems like a guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly, much less try to sell you some crap you don’t need. I think that’s very helpful when talking about a subject riddled with scammers at every turn.

He’s the marketer you can trust.

  • Biggest Takeaway:

In a time when you don’t know who you can trust, authenticity is very valuable.

5. Sarah Titus – $200,000+/Month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Sarah Titus’s blog is focused on everything mom life and helping mothers to make money from home.

  • How she makes her money:

She makes most of her money selling printables on her online store, and also makes some money from affiliate marketing.

  • What sets her apart:

You will notice that she talks about God and her family struggles in almost every one of her posts. Her bio says, “He left me HOMELESS…” in the opening tagline. Talk about a great hook to draw in your readers.

My mom asked me the other day about starting a blog and I told her if she did, whatever she was blogging about, she should talk about Jesus a lot and be open about her religious beliefs. I was half-joking, half dead serious.

By sharing her religion and personal life, Sarah creates a deep and intimate connection with her readers. That connection makes them naturally want to support her blog and feel comfortable spending money there.

  • Big Takeaway:

Share your story. Connect with people and they will trust you.

6. Yaro Starak – $40,000+/Month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Yaro Starak runs Entrepreneurs Journey, a blog designed to help fellow entrepreneurs succeed online.

  • How he makes his money:

His main source of income comes from selling his own digital products while other income includes affiliate marketing and some advertising.

  • What sets him apart:

Yaro set up his first website about a card game called Magic the Gathering and started earning over $1,000/m with it. He then started a website blogging about that success.

You’ll also notice the blog is very Yaro focused, in a good way. He’s on every thumbnail and every post includes an original photo from him.

  • Biggest Takeaway:

Put yourself on your blog and don’t hide behind your content!

7. Steve and Jennifer Chou – $80,000+/Month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Steve and Jennifer run the successful blog, My Wife Quit Her Job, where they show readers how to make money online with an eCommerce store and other methods.

  • How they make their money:

Most of it comes from selling their own digital product on starting a successful eCommerce store. They make the rest from advertising, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.

  • What sets them apart:

A powerful and relatable story.

The whole basis for starting their business was that they wanted to have kids and Jennifer wanted to quit her job to take care of them. Thus, they started the eCommerce store and blog.

Now, they are both able to work from home and raise their kids exactly how they want.

  • Biggest Takeaway:  

The story is everything when it comes to sales. Your unique story is what makes people interested in you and is something nobody can take from you.

8. Ryan Robinson – $50,000+/Month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Ryan Robinson, of, is the owner of a blog in the personal finance niche. He discusses making money online and starting a profitable side hustle.

  • How he makes his money:

The majority of it comes from affiliate earnings—around 90% of his total income. The other 10% comes from his online course sales.

  • What sets him apart:

Ryan Robinson does not pretend to be a person he is not. From the start, he explains he is “not a “business” expert or an all-knowing guru.”

He is good at three things and focuses on those three things he refers to as his superpowers to grow his income.

  • Biggest Takeaway:  

Find your strengths and capitalize on them. Don’t be a jack of ALL trades. Be a master of a FEW.

9. Abby Lawson – $41,000+/Month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Abby and Donnie Lawson run the blog, Just a Girl and Her Blogwhich is a popular lifestyle, organization, and productivity blog.

  • How they make their money:

65% of their income is from affiliate marketing and promoting products like ConvertKit (email marketing). 35% is from their own products and services (some digital training and printables).

  •  What sets her apart:

This blog is much more focused on lifestyle than a lot of other successful blogs. You see, a lot of “lifestyle” bloggers don’t end up making money because they are providing more entertainment content than educational.

What’s impressive about Abby is that she has managed to make her lifestyle blog produce income by educating as well as entertaining.

  • Biggest Takeaway:

A lifestyle blog can make money too, as long as you produce the right content.

10. Trevor and Jennifer Debth – $46,000+/Month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Trevor and Jennifer own the blog, Show Me The Yummy, which is a popular recipe blog.

  • How they make their money:

55% of their income is from advertising, sponsored posts, and freelancing. 40% is from their own video workouts (programs). The remaining 5% is from affiliate programs.

  • What sets them apart:

They have some amazing video content on their Facebook page which is worth a watch. I think it’s a combination of these and amazing photography that sets them apart.

  • Biggest Takeaway:

Video content is the present and the future of marketing… just saying.

11. Lindsay and Bjork – $90,000+/Month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Lindsay and Bjork run two blogs, Pinch of Yum and Food Blogger Pro, where they make recipes and show people how to create their own recipe blog.

  • How they make their money:

They make 50% of their income from advertising, 20% from sponsored posts and affiliate marketing, and I would guess another 30%+ from Food Blogger Pro (they don’t report on its income).    

  • What sets them apart:

I think they were some of the first food bloggers to reveal their income and this built up a loyal following. People who followed them for their recipes now also wanted to learn how to make a food blog themselves.

  • Biggest Takeaway:

Beautiful content attracts followers and can help you rise above the rest of the mediocre content out there. Photography is one to get there and they’re doing it right!

12. Jon Morrow – $100,000+/Month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Jon Morrow is the founder of Smart Blogger, where he teaches other bloggers how to succeed.

  • How he makes his money:

The blog makes most of its money through affiliate marketing products that help bloggers succeed and through selling its own digital course/products.

  • What sets him apart:

Jon Morrow, the owner, is bound to a wheelchair and can only feel his face. Yet, despite this, he’s become a millionaire and traveled the world with his blogging career.

I also suggest checking out his other website, Unstoppable, well where he talks more about this stuff. Inspirational AF.

  • Biggest Takeaway:  

We all feel like we have limitations. We should never let it stop us from achieving anything we set our hearts or minds on.

13. Rosemarie Groner – $86,000+/month 

Rosemarie Groner is the busy mom at Busy Budgeter, where she posts about money, dinner ideas, budgets, and everything mom-related.

The Top Earning Blogs
The Top Earning Blogs
  • How she makes her money:

She makes around 40% through a mix of sponsored content, affiliates, and ads. The lion share comes at around 60% from her own products 

  • What sets her apart: 

I think Rosemarie has a VERY deep understanding of her audience. I noticed from visiting the website how little it speaks to me personally – which is a good thing because I am a late-twenty-something male and not in her target audience.

She also obviously understands the insane power of Pinterest for bloggers as she has acquired over 95,000 fans at the time of this posting.

  • Biggest Takeaway:  

Know your lane and your audience. And stick to them!

14. Darren Rowse – $40,000+/month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Darren Rowse runs the popular blogging authority site, Pro Blogger, where he teaches people how to blog like the pros.


  • How he makes his money:

Advertising is the main source of income, but he also sells a course on how to build a better blog in 31 days and runs a small conference called Success Incubator.

  • What sets him apart:

Pro blogger has the style of a polished authority blog. On the home page, Darren is wearing a suit jacket and everything is presented in a clean and professional manner. This sort of approach along with the domain name naturally inclines people to trust the messages he delivers.

  • Biggest Takeaway:

The look and feel of your website have the ability to build immediate trust with your reader.

15. Michelle Schroeder-Gardner – $100,000+/Month: The Top Earning Bloggers

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner of Making Sense of Cents is the legendary finance blog helping people earn more and save more.

We met Michelle at a finance conference, FinCon, in 2017 and we met up with her again in Fort Lauderdale a few months later.

The Top Earning BlogsFrom left, Alex Nerney, Lauren McManus, Michelle Schroeder Gardener, her husband Wes, and our other blogger friend, Natalie Bacon.

  • How she makes her money:

Most of her income comes from affiliate marketing others courses and services like Bluehost, but a good portion also comes from selling her own digital products. The remaining comes from sponsorships and advertisements placed on her blogs.

  • What sets her apart:

I like to call her “the natural” in blogging.

Michelle is not a marketer. Not at all. You’ll find most of the successful bloggers on this list are amazing marketers masking around as bloggers.

The truth is that Michelle is an outstanding blogger. Her audience loves her so much that she makes more money than most marketers without seeming like she’s trying. It’s very impressive!

  • Biggest Takeaway:

Be the best at what you do and the money will follow.

16. Alex Nerney and Lauren McManus – $100,000+/Month: The Top Earning Blogs

Alex and Lauren have taken two blogs to earning over six figures, and they love talking about themselves in the third person! 🙂

  • How they make their money:

Most of their income comes from selling digital products on both blogs. Another smaller chunk comes from affiliate marketing and a much smaller portion comes from advertising.

  • What sets them apart: 

They didn’t just start out blogging about blogging.

They started a health and wellness website that they began earning over $10,000 per month with before teaching others how to do it.

It’s this experience that gives them the ability to guide others while knowing exactly what they are up against.

  • Biggest Takeaway:

You don’t have to be anything special to do this – just hustle like crazy and have the right plan of action.

17. Elisa Larson and Emma Chapman – $125,000+/Month

Elisa Larson and Emma Chapman are the creators of A Beautiful Mess, where they blog about everything from DIY to Instagram tips.

  • How they make their money:

While there are no clear indicators on where the majority of their income comes from, they have said it’s a mix of…

  • Advertising
  • Sponsorships with brands
  • Digital Courses and Training (Photoshop, Blogging, and Instagram Strategy)
  • Physical Products (Books, Planners, Scrapbook Materials, Ect) 
  • What sets them apart:

I don’t know them well, but their social presence is INSANE. They are on top of Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, and even Twitter.

As someone who runs a couple of blogs with a partner, we can barely do two of those well. It’s impressive.

  • Biggest Takeaway:

Your blog can have a ton of different focal points and still succeed.

18. Heather and Pete Reese – $170,000+/Month

 The Reese family runs the blog, It’s A Lovely Life, which is really a large family lifestyle and travel blog.

  • How they make their money:

60% comes from sponsored content and affiliate marketing. The other 40% comes from selling their own products and courses.

  • What sets them apart:

Another great example of the effectiveness of combining a lifestyle blog with educating your readers on various topics. This combination seems to be quite powerful for both endearing readers to you and making money online.

  • Biggest Takeaway:

Lifestyle + Education Content = Blog Profits

19. Chiara Ferragni – $200,000+/month (likely much more)

Basically, living every girl’s dream, Chiara started a personal blog back in 2009 and leveraged that blog into a massive fashion brand – The Blonde Salad.

  • What sets her apart:

I’m honestly not sure what sets her style apart from others, but I really love her story.

Homegirl started a website which drew in half a million monthly visitors per month. She then leveraged that into a brand generating over 15 million in yearly revenue.

There are all sorts of ladies calling themselves bossbabes these days, but Chiara is actually one. What. A. Badass.

  • Big takeaway:

Once you have readers and fans, your blog can continue to evolve into something even better.

20. Melyssa Griffin – $200,000+/Month

Melyssa Griffin is a teacher turned blogger / pro marketer who Lauren and I have always looked up to. We even call her “Melyssa” when talking about her in our home – haha.

succesful bloggers

  • How she makes her money:

Most of it comes from selling her own courses as well as other people’s high-priced courses, but she’s also now CRUSHING the podcast game with her new jam: Pursuit of Purpose

  • What sets her apart: 

Melyssa is the queen-bee of hustle. She launches products to her email list very frequently. Girl is ON IT. Sign up for her email list and you will know what I am talking about. She’s not playing games.

  • Big takeaway:

Find your audience and hustle like looney toons to help them.

21. Tim Sykes – $1,000,000+ per Month

Penny stock trader turned blogger and Instagramer, Tim Skyes takes our #1 spot.

  • How he makes his money: 

He makes most of his money by selling dvd courses that teach people how to sell penny stocks and trade.

  • What sets him apart from others:

From my personal experience in internet marketing, I suspect the majority of his income is produced through his work on social media (his Instagram has over 1.2 million followers and he’s crazy active on there).

It’s estimated that his personal blog earns him around $15-20 million per year, so to be on the safe side, we estimated his income at 1 million per month.

  • Big takeaway:

Sell the lifestyle to sell the product.

If Tim posted photos of him crunching numbers all day selling penny stocks, it probably wouldn’t work. Instead, he sells an online lifestyle from using his plan (penny stocks) and he is KILLING it. 

Read Next: How to Make Money Blogging

If you enjoyed this article on successful blogs or have any questions for us, please leave them in the comment section below! We’d love to hear from you! The Top Earning Blogs