How to Get Rich From Nothing in 2024

How to get Rich From Nothing. How Grant Cardone became rich from nothing.

According to Grant Cardone, anyone can Get Rich From Nothing. “Regardless of your current economic condition, where you live, or what you do, you can become wealthy,” he writes in “The Millionaire Booklet: How To Get Super Rich.”

The self-made entrepreneur, who owns and operates four companies that do nearly $100 million in annual sales, went from broke to seven figures by following a few simple steps.

“The reality is, what I have created financially in my life is very simple. That is why it will work for you,” he writes.

Though there are no guarantees you’ll start earning as much as Cardone. Here are the steps he says worked for him:

How To Get Rich From Nothing To Something

Studies show that most Get Rich From Nothing millionaires earned their money themselves and did not inherit their wealth.

Instead, they followed similar methods that have been proven to work. Surprisingly to some, many high net worth individuals didn’t earn their wealth through having very high wages.

Oprah Winfrey is a good example of someone who got rich from nothing
Oprah Winfrey came from a simple background, inherited nothing, didn’t study at an elite university

Instead, many millionaires started with average salaries and employed things such as living frugally, investing their money, and not spending their money on things that they didn’t need.

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In the following sections, well go over several ways that you can get rich from nothing. Remember, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

Getting rich from scratch can take your whole life, and its not simply about generating as much money as possible.

Instead, its also about changing the way you look and think about money. So you’re not only building wealth, but not spending your money frivolously either.

Ways To Get Rich From Nothing In 2024

1. Mentally Commit

Getting rich starts with your mindset — with the belief that you really can accumulate wealth. “The biggest mistake is to think becoming a millionaire is impossible,” writes Cardone.

“The first thing you have to do is decide to become a millionaire. Multimillionaire, or billionaire if you want. … Then you must reinforce that decision, over and over.”

2. Do The Math

Next, crunch the numbers to see what it actually takes to reach seven-figures, or whatever your personal goal is.

“For any goal to be achievable, you must believe in its possibility as a realistic and doable goal,” writes Cardone. “The way to do this is simply by doing Million Dollar Math.

Do the math. Getting Rich from zero requires one to be smart with math. This is a sure way to get rich from nothing

How many different ways can you collect one million dollars?”

If you can figure out a way to get 5,000 people to buy a $200 product, you’d have $1 million, says Cardone.

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Or, if 5,000 people paid you $17 a month for 12 months, that would also get you to $1 million.

Of course, these examples are highly simplified, but the point still stands: “Do the math to create possibility, then create strategy,” says Cardone.

3. Figure Out Your Numbers

There are primarily two numbers that you’ll want to figure out as you work to build up becoming rich from nothing. The first number is how much income you feel you’ll need each month to be comfortable.

For example, if you think you can live off of $5,000 per month for the rest of your life, then you need an annual income of $60,000.

Once you’ve determined your required annual income. The second number to figure out is how much wealth you need to have to pay you $60,000. This second number is subjective as different ways of having wealth will pay you different returns.

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As an example, if you have $2,000,000 in dividend-yielding stocks and ETFs that pay an average dividend of 3% per year. Then you would be able to earn $60,000 per year passively with $2,000,000 in investments.

Likewise, if you owned real estate valued at $1,000,000 and took home $60,000 each year from rent. Then your minimum wealth number would be lower.

The bottom line is that you’ll want to know how much wealth allows you to live comfortably. Which will give you the feeling of living a rich life.

To build wealth you need to increase your income. Getting rich from nothing is possible only if you have the will
Counting your coins to get in touch with the numbers

4. Increase Your Income

“Once you’ve done the math and realize how real it is to get super rich. You need to focus on increasing your income streams,” writes Cardone.

After all, self-made millionaires tend to have at least three sources of income.

“There are so many ways to increase your income today,” Cardone says. From “internet sales at home writing blogs, editing for authors, releasing a podcast … and on and on.”

Additional streams could also be:

  • Side businesses,
  • Real-estate rentals,
  • Stock market investments, or
  • Part-time jobs such as teaching a language or driving for Lyft.

5. Build Multiple Sources of Income

Having multiple sources of income is a wise move as it creates security in the event one source goes away. It is financially risky to have only one source of income, such as one job with no other income sources.

The reason for this is because if you have one source of income and you lose it. Such as you lose your job, you are without income, and until you replace it. You will start depleting your savings and eventually sink into debt.

Ways to become rich from nothing is to build more income streams
How to Create Multiple Streams of Income to Become a Millionaire.

Instead, having multiple sources of income gives you protection from being in this situation.

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Even if you have one main source of income. Like a full-time job, and several smaller sources of income, you lower your risk to financial distress.

Other sources of income include:

  • Rent from real estate
  • Side hustle/business income
  • Income from stock market dividends
  • Royalties from things you sell, such as eBooks on Amazon KDP

You can also increase your overall income by stacking income sources. A technique that’s great for getting rich from nothing.

6. Build Passive Income

Passive income is income you earn around the clock. Whether you’re sleeping, hanging out, driving, eating, and so on. Its money that you’re not actively working for but still earning.

create passive income

Examples of passive income include:

  • Rental income
  • Investment dividends
  • Ad revenue from a blog
  • Royalties from an eBook
  • Interest from your bank accounts
  • Affiliate marketing revenue from a niche site

Passive income is often sold as a get-rich-quick scheme online, but the reality is, it takes time and often money to build up a passive income stream. There are many passive income methods to choose from.

Check out our book, Passive Income Made Simple, for over 40 ideas on how to start earning passive income today.

7. Find Out Who Has Money and Spend Time With Them

“Ask yourself: ‘Who’s got my money?’” writes Cardone.

“Make a list of who has your money, the money you want, and figure out what you can exchange with them.

Whether you have a service, a product, or an idea, the question to ask yourself is always: ‘Who’s got my money?’

“You don’t need to make money. You need to connect with those who’ve already collected money. Who have money, and exchange what you have (skills and knowledge) with what they have (money).”

There’s no shortage of money, he says. The key is to get in front of those who have it — investors or potential buyers — and provide them with value.

Learn how to get rich from nothing. Find out who has money and become their friend. Learn from them how they became rich from scratch

8. Have a Long-Term Mindset

Building wealth takes time. In fact, becoming truly wealthy can take most of your life. That said, the more you focus your efforts on making money, the quicker you can realize the product of your efforts.

Its tempting to be impatient when building wealth. But your patience will pay off when you can retire on your own terms. Have more opportunities open to you and your loved ones, and live a more comfortable life.

For those who put in the extra effort when they’re young and build up a nest egg early. They may very well have the opportunity to retire at a younger age or work only part-time later on.

Many stories exist of individuals who got rich from nothing. Who started in their early 20s. And hustle for 10-15 years before retiring in their mid to late 30s. While this is not the path for everyone, the option certainly does exist. Am sure you might be asking, is it possible to become rich from nothing?

9. Learn as Much as you Can About Money

Financial literacy will open doors for you as you learn how you can build and preserve wealth. To keep learning more about money:

  • Listen to podcasts,
  • Read Personal Finance books and blogs, and
  • Watch Personal Finance YouTube videos.

It costs very little to become financially educated, and such benefits will change your life.

Learn as much as you can about money if you want to become rich from nothing
Learning about money

You can also learn more about personal finance from in-depth courses found on Udemy and Skillshare.

These paid courses deep-dive into personal finance topics that you may not be able to find in other places. Plus you may get access to the courses creators to ask questions and learn further.

10. Seek a Mentor – To Get Rich From Nothing

Surround yourself with successful people who understand how money works. When possible, seek out a mentor who can answer specific questions and help you on your journey to build wealth.

This person might be:

  • A successful relative,
  • Business owner you know,
  • Person in a community you’re a part of, or
  • A higher-up at your job.

When seeking a mentor, focus on building a relationship with them first. Don’t simply ask someone, Will you be my mentor? as that might be off-putting.

Instead, work on getting to know them and letting them get to know you.

Take an interest in their success and their work and when you feel comfortable enough. Let them know that you’re interested in someone teaching you the ropes and ask if they would be interested.

Many successful people are willing to mentor the right person if they have time to, so be on the lookout.

11. Teach Your Kids to Be Self Sufficient

Much like how you’re learning to build wealth and become rich from nothing. Teach your kids to do the same. Children who have a good money mindset will be more successful themselves when they’re adults.

Teach children how to manage money. Ways to get rich from nothing

Teach your kids important life skills.

Some examples include:

  • Teaching them how to treat others,
  • Paying them to do chores and odd jobs,
  • Pushing them to take care of their health, and so on.
  • Instilling them the importance of reading and educating themselves,

12. Stay Broke

No matter how much you increase your income, “stay broke,” writes Cardone. “I have a policy to never, ever have money sitting around.

Once I start increasing income. I immediately moved the surpluses to sacred accounts that were out of my reach and marked for future investments.”

This is a way of paying yourself first: Cardone invests his money before paying anyone else. This way, he’s never even tempted to spend or waste money that’s sitting around.

Plus, when you’re broke, you’re motivated, he says: “This state of staying broke forced me to continue producing new revenue. And to keep reinforcing the actions that had already proven successful.”

13. Have a Frugal Mindset

Similar to living below your means, but perhaps taking it a step further. Getting rich from nothing is obtained more efficiently when you have a frugal mindset.

having a frugal mindset helps to save money in the long run
having frugal mindset

A frugal mindset comes down to removing many things you don’t need from your life.

Some examples of living frugally include:

  • Making your own coffee
  • Not buying designer clothing and handbags
  • Unsubscribing to things you’re no longer using
  • Shopping at second-hand stores and dollar stores
  • Canceling cable and using streaming services instead
  • Going out to eat less often and cooking at home instead
  • Purchasing fewer video games and other entertainment items
  • Downgrading your internet service to a speed that still works but saves money
  • Going on vacation during off-peak season to save money on hotels, airfare, entertainment tickets, etc.
  • Living in a home that suits your needs versus living in a lavish home that is barely affordable

When you live frugally for many years, you’ll grow your wealth more effectively. Which will help you become more financially independent.

Once you’ve grown your wealth to the level at which you feel comfortable living off it. You can start adopting a more rich mindset.

Then add more luxuries to your life because your money will be earning more money. And you wont have to sink into debt to buy yourself those luxuries.

13. Save To Invest, Don’t Save To Save

Investing money is how you will get super rich,” says Cardone. “The only reason to save money is to one day invest money.”

save to invest, Don't save to save only

Following Cardone’s steps is just the beginning. You have to “repeat and reinforce” these steps, he says, if you want to continue building wealth.

But the rewards can be massive: “You can be a billionaire, deca-billionaire. Or richer if you simply think bigger from the start and then hyperfocus, and repeat the steps I have laid out.”

15. Curb Impulsive Spending- To Get Rich From Nothing

Impulsive spending hurts your wallet and can be emotionally draining.

Many people who impulse spend feel better at the moment. But ultimately feel guilty or ashamed when they’ve realized how much they’ve spent. And that their purchases didn’t make them feel any better in the long run.

That’s because, for some, impulsive spending is done when we are having a tough day or are in a cruddy mood.

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If you have trouble with impulsive spending. The first thing you need to do is identify your impulses. So that you can take steps not to spend money when you’re feeling the need to.

From there, it helps to do things such as deleting your credit card information from online stores. And finding healthy activities to do when you have the urge to spend.

When you cut back on spending money frivolously. You’ll be able to build wealth much easier and get out of and stay out of credit card debt.

16. Change the Way You Think About Money

To some, they feel like money runs their life. They work day in and day out to make money, to use that money to survive. These people might dislike money and feel like money is ruining their life.

They might feel like there isn’t enough money and there’s no way to get more. They could feel as though there should be either someone, or the government, to step in and help them out.

Change the Way You Think About Money
Change the Way You Think About Money

Realize that it doesn’t make sense to wait to be rescued from whatever financial situation you’re in. That day may never come. So instead, change the way you think about money.

Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Is quoted for saying that instead of saying to yourself things such as I cant afford that. When faced with financial struggles, instead ask yourself. How can I afford that? and challenge yourself to come up with a way to afford things that are currently out of reach.

This can be applied not only to things like luxury purchases but also for getting out of debt, affording to buy a house, a car, paying off credit card debt, or even sending your kids off to college.

When you change your mindset about money and realize that money is a tool that opens opportunities for you and allows you and your loved ones to live your lives more comfortably, then money seems like something you want to obtain more and more of so that you can help yourself and those around you.

17. Create a Budget That’s Right For You

Creating a budget and tracking your spending are powerful ways to see where your money is coming from and where its all going.

Using a budget, you can figure out if you’re spending too much money in specific categories or if you have more opportunities to save, invest, or pay off debt.

One popular budgeting method is the 50/30/20 budget method, which allocates 50% of your money to needs, 30% to your money to wants, and 20% to save and invest.

Of course, you can save and invest more money than 20% or spend less than 30% of your money on wants if that makes sense to you personally.

What’s important about budgeting and tracking your spending is finding ways to maximize your savings rate. Your savings rate is the percentage of total income you save or invest each month.

For example, if you take home $4,000 per month and have $1,000 of that leftover at the end of the month, your savings rate would be 25%.

One of the best ways to get rich from nothing is to maximize your savings rate. As the more you save and invest, the faster you can build wealth and the more of your wealth you’ll keep. As you wont be spending money on things that you don’t need.

18. Live Below Your Means – To Get Rich From Nothing

Living below your means comes down to spending less than you make, which is a fundamental way of getting rich from nothing.

Additionally, living below your means comes down to saving money. Not sinking into credit card debt, cutting back on frivolous spending, and looking for ways to increase your income.

Generally speaking, living far below your means also equates to having a higher savings rate. As you have more money left over each month, which can be used to continually improve your financial situation.

When you live below your means year after year, you’ll build wealth and be able to live a richer life.

19. Pay Down Your Debt

Its challenging to get rich from nothing if you have a lot of debt – particularly credit card debt.

If you have one or more credit cards with high balances, then you’ll want to prioritize paying them down.

Credit cards that have high interest rates eat away at your money.

It might be tempting to pay just the minimum payment each month to your credit card balances. But this keeps you in debt much longer, and you’ll rack up interest payments as well.

Instead, aggressively pay down your credit cards using as much available money as you can.

Not only can you cut the amount of interest you’ll pay. But you’ll significantly cut back on how long it’ll take you to pay down your cards.

20. Make SMART Financial Goals

Goals give you direction and help you stay focused, whether they’re financial in nature or about anything else.

Make SMART Financial Goals
Make SMART Financial Goals

When you create financial goals, its key to create SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Sensitive.

Additionally, it helps to have short-term goals and long-term goals. For example, a short-term goal might include something such as, I will pay off my $3,000 in credit card debt in the next 12 months.

A long-term goal might be, I will invest a total of $100,000 in my retirement accounts over the next 10 years.

21. Find Ways to Cut Back Living Expenses

Most people can lower their living expenses in one way or another if they sit down and figure out where they’re overspending. For example, a common expense that can be reduced is ones auto insurance.

Here are two simple ways to save money:

  • Trim: Sign up for Trim and let Trim lower your cable, internet, and phone bills by up to 30%, identify and cancel unused subscriptions, and negotiate your interest rates. Trim is mostly free in that you only pay a small portion of what Trim saves you.
  • The Zebra: Head over to The Zebra, a free insurance comparison website. Shop auto, home, renters, life, and business insurance all in one spot. You could save hundreds per year in just a few minutes.

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Other common expenses that can often be lowered include:

  • Mobile data plans: If you’re not using all of the data that you’re signed up for, sign up for a lower amount of data. You can often save $10-$30 per line per month by doing so.
  • Electricity, heat, and water: Simple things like shutting off lights, altering your thermostat, or taking shorter showers all add up and can save you money. Check out this guide for saving money on heating expenses.
  • Healthcare-related expenses: By staying healthy, you’ll go to the doctor less frequently and need less medical care. The same is true for keeping your teeth well-maintained, as you’ll save on dental procedures.
  • Buy certified pre-owned cars: Buying a car that’s 1-2 years old can save you over 20% of the price of a new car. On a car valued at $30,000 new, you could save over $6,000 by buying it 1-2 years later preowned.

There are many other ways to save money on living expenses.

22. Invest Early and Take Advantage of Compound Interest

Investing your money allows you to take advantage of compound interest, which grows your wealth exponentially faster than simply storing your money in a savings account.

The power of compound interest. The Power Of Compound Interest. How to Get Rich From Nothing
The Power Of Compound Interest

The younger you start, the more money you have the potential to have.

For example, if you invested $10,000 per year from the time you were 25 to the time you were 55. At a return of 8%, a conservative estimate for the average return of the S&P 500, then you would have over $1,100,000 at age 55, even though you only invested $300,000 of your own money.

If you’re still not convinced, lets use a more simple example. Say you invest $5 per day, every day, from the time you turn age 18 to the time you turn age 65. How much does $5 per day get you? Well assume you get the same 8% return on investment on average.

It turns out, if you invest $5 per day from the time you’re age 18 to the time you’re age 65, at 8% return on investment. You will end up with a little over $825,000 while you would only have invested $85,775 of your own money.

That’s pretty amazing.

You should always take caution in what you invest in and understand what it is you’re investing in. To learn more about investing, you can read books, blogs, watch YouTube, or discuss options with a financial advisor. This is how to get rich from nothing as a kid.

23. Focus on Your Finances and Avoid Keeping Up With the Joneses

Keeping up with the Joneses is when you compare yourself to others, or what you believe others are doing.

For example, if you regularly surf Facebook and see your friends posting glamorous things that they’re buying. Then you start buying those things, you would be attempting to keep up with them.

Focus on Your Finances and Avoid Keeping Up With the Joneses
Focus on Your Finances and Avoid Keeping Up With the Joneses

This can also be true if you regularly go out with your friends to clubs, concerts, and events, and spend as much money as they are.

When you attempt to keep up with the Joneses, you spend money that you could have saved or invested.

You live a lifestyle based on what you feel everyone else is doing when the smarter thing to do is not compare yourself to others and instead focus on your own finances.

While it may appear that your friends are buying luxury items carefree, you often don’t know much about their financial situation.

They could be living paycheck to paycheck, deep in debt, or worse.

That’s why its better to focus on building wealth and take no heed to the frivolous spending habits of those around you.

You’ll be the one who retires on your own terms. Comfortably while living a rich life years later. While they may continue to struggle for years upon years because they were all trying to keep up with one another.

24. Automate Your Finances To Get Rich From Nothing

Setting up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account, retirement accounts, and investment accounts makes you save money for the future without even having to think about it.

As an example, if you set up an automatic transfer of $50 from your checking account to your emergency fund and set it to weekly. You would have added $2,600 to your emergency fund in one year without even having to think about it.

Likewise, if you set up automatic payments to all of your bills, you can avoid paying late fees, and missed payment fees, and you might even cut down on interest payments.

By automating your finances, you’re saving yourself time in the future by spending time now setting everything up.

As of 2022, approximately 64% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Whether you fall into this category or not, you may have felt financial stress at one time or another.

As many others do, you may have struggled to save money or pay off debt. But, there are a set of people who have gotten rich from nothing.

People who get rich from nothing often do this following a set of methods that gives them a high chance of success. This doesn’t involve playing the lottery, getting incredibly lucky, or inheriting all of their money.

In fact, very few rich people inherit their money, win the lottery, or attribute their wealth to total luck.

Lets be clear. In this article, we are not talking about how to get rich quickly. As get rich quick schemes are often designed to harm your finances, not help them.

Instead, in this article, well have talked talk about how to get rich from nothing, over time, throughout your life, using methods that are well thought out.

These methods can help you become a millionaire from nothing if done over a period of a few decades.

But what does being rich mean.

What Does Being Rich Mean?

As we go over getting rich from nothing, its good to note that being rich doesn’t have a specific net worth or income value associated with it.

Meaning, for some, having a net worth of $1 million might be considered rich, while for others, having a net worth of $10 million might be considered rich.

Likewise, you might consider having an income of $200,000 per year as being rich, and others might consider having an income of $500,000 per year as being rich.

Seek a mentor to learn how to become wealthy
Mentoring young people on how to manage money or run a business

Being rich is about having the comfort of living your life the way you want, without worrying about money.

Similarly speaking, financial independence is when you have enough wealth and income from that wealth to make work optional.

When it comes down to it, the definition of being rich comes down to your own personal definition as it pertains to your lifestyle and how much wealth and income you need to live your life the way you want without having to worry about money.

Net Worth and Income- How To Get Rich From Nothing

Net worth is defined as adding up everything you own. Such as your belongings, your house, the value of your bank and investment accounts, and so on. Then subtracting everything you owe, such as your credit card debt, mortgage, loans, and so on.

If you have a negative net worth, that means you owe more money than the value of everything you own.

Having a higher net worth is associated with being richer. That is, having a $1 million or more net worth makes you a millionaire.

But there are other ways to feel rich that aren’t related to money.

know your net worth
know you net worth

For example, if you live a healthy life, have loving relationships, help out the needy by volunteering your time. Do other things that make you happy, then you could say you are living a rich life, regardless of how much money you have.

Of course, having more money helps with many aspects of your life.

Building up monthly income, whether from active forms of making money like working a job or running a business, or having passive income such as through dividend investing, opens more opportunities.

When you have a higher income, you can afford to spend money on things that make you happy. It also allows you to cover things such as top-tier medical care. Send your children to colleges or further education, travel to exotic locations, and more.

Money is a tool that buys you freedom, and that’s why pursuing a rich life makes sense.

Conclusion On To Get Rich From Nothing

This article should have shown you that there are ways to get rich from nothing that doesn’t involve schemes or vast amounts of luck.

By being intentional about how you approach money. You greatly increase the likelihood that you will be a more wealthy person and be able to live a rich life.

While one can’t guarantee that they will be rich one day. These methods and strategies certainly have been proven to work for many that use them.

Start today on building a rich life for yourself so that in the future, you can live more comfortably.  How to become rich from nothing. Now you have it, Strategies That You Can Use To Create Wealth From Nothing. Good Luck!