How To Work And Go To College

how to work and go to college at the same time
Whether you're attending grad school or community college, tuition prices have risen across the board when it comes to post-secondary education. As a result, more and more students are seeking employment to help cover costs while they earn their degree.

There’s no two ways around it—splitting your attention between the demands of a full-time job and a college education isn’t ideal.  But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Learn more on How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time in this article.

Working full-time while earning a degree is possible if you take the necessary steps to set yourself up for success.

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So let’s make some lemonade out of these lemons and take a look at the 10 tips I’m sure will help you.

According to the U.S. Department of Education:

  • 43% of full-time undergraduate students also work at the same time,
  • with 10% working 35 hours or more each week,
  • 17% working 20 to 34 hours per week,
  • 7% working 10 to 19 hours per week, and
  • 6% working less than 10 hours per week.

If you’re reading this article, I imagine you are thinking about going back to school. Or you’re about to start college and want to work a full-time job while you’re in school. Either way, you’re here wondering how to balance full-time work and study. How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time, really?

Whether you are working a part-time or full-time job, balancing school and work can be quite difficult.

There are working students in college who are able to manage both, but there are also many who really struggle.

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It can lead to:

  • Stress,
  • Lower grades,
  • Suffering Job Performance, and more.

There are even some who end up dropping out of school because the stress is too much. No one wants that, and I’m sure you don’t either.

This is supposed to be the time of your life where you are growing and changing, not feeling like you are drowning in everything that is going on around you.

There are many ways to balance it all so that you can graduate college while working a job.

No matter what your situation is, today I’m going to help you learn how to work and go to college. Below are tips that helped me balance my life, manage my time, stay on top of school work, and more.

How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

1. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help: How To Work And Go To College 

I know you want to do it all, and I’ve been there. But, working and going to school at the same time can be very difficult. You can feel:

  • Stressed out,
  • Lonely,
  • Exhausted,
  • Depressed, and more.

There are times when you will need help, and it’s okay to ask for it.

Maybe you need someone to watch your kids for an evening, you need a friend to vent to, or you need someone to study with.

There are people around you who want you to succeed, and I know they would love to help if they can.

2. Ask Your Boss About Remote Work Options

This won’t be an option for everyone, but it’s worth asking about if you want to learn how to work and go to college.

Many businesses had to send employees home to work remotely over the last couple of years. So now they have better systems in place for remote work.

Even if you were able to work remotely for just one or two days a week. It could be a huge help while you try to balance everything.

3. Carefully Plan Your Class And Work Schedule

One of the most important tips is to carefully plan your class and work schedule. How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

Some students just choose whatever classes are offered. However, it is much wiser to carefully craft your school and work schedule so that everything flows together efficiently with a minimal amount of time being wasted.

I spent a lot of time each year carefully organizing my school schedule to make sure that it aligned perfectly with the courses I needed and my work schedule.

You can do this by:

  • If you happen to have time off between classes, use this time to do your homework and/or study can be a great use of your time
  • Eliminate any gap that may fall between your classes. Having an hour or two break between each class can quickly add up.
  • Research when the classes you need are offered. If they aren’t offered this semester, you can ask advisors or professors when they’ll be offered in the future.

I tried to only be on campus once a day, and I did that by eliminating any gaps between my classes.

I lived off-campus, and driving to and from school would simply take too much time out of my day when I was also trying to work.

Another scheduling idea is to fit as many classes as you can on the same day.

You’ll have certain days you know you need to focus on your classes, and it can save you time because you’re driving to school fewer days per week.

4. Find Your Motivation For Wanting or Needing To Do Both

There are many reasons why you may be working and going to college at the same time.

Keep your reason in mind because it can be a very good reminder of why you are working so hard. How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

According to the survey I mentioned earlier, over 50% of college students do not work at all. That means about half of your college peers aren’t working like you are.

It can be easy to feel jealous, stressed, or angry when you see those students. Reminding yourself why you are working so hard will help you refocus your energy on school and work.

Your motivation can be any number of things, like avoiding student loan debt, providing for your family if you are going back as an adult learner, and so on.

Your motivation will be what you need when you are feeling stressed, exhausted, and so on.

5. Consider Online Classes: How To Work And Go To College 

Taking online classes while working full-time can be a lifesaver for many people.

Online college classes can have a very different feel than in-person ones, but they typically allow you to complete the work on your own schedule.

Most colleges offer online classes, and you will have the same professors teaching online classes as in-person ones.

That means you’re getting the same quality of education, but you may also get a better work-school balance.

If your school doesn’t offer the online classes you’re looking for. You may want to talk to your college about whether or not you can transfer online credits from another school.

Some people take basic courses online and transfer them in to save time and money.

6. Take A Break When You Really Need One

Learning how to work and go to college means you are trying to use every moment of your day as efficiently as possible. But, there are times when balancing school and work can feel extremely stressful.

In times like those, when you feel like you need a break, take a short one to help you come back refreshed and focused on what you need to do.

You can go for a walk, read a book, get in a workout, take a nap, etc. Taking a break when you need one can prevent you from feeling burnt out, which is a danger when you are balancing school and work.

7. Find An Online Job: How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

What’s great right now is that there are a ton of online jobs, even for college students.

I had to work throughout high school and college, and I will admit that it was tough at times.

While my jobs were almost all in-person, hourly jobs, I would have loved to find something online instead!

It would have made it much easier to balance work and school if I had a flexible, online job as I do now.

An online job means no commute (this can save you a ton of time as you are limited since you are in college), possibly a more flexible schedule, and more.

8. Separate Yourself From Distractions

Distractions make it hard to work or study under normal circumstances. But they are even more of a problem if you’re trying to work and go to college at the same time. How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

Background noises, such as leaving your TV on while you study, can distract you from what you need to be doing.

If you are trying to study or do homework, then you should try to find a quiet place to get work done.

There are going to be so many distractions, and if you want to learn how to work and go to college, you need to separate yourself from those distractions.

I know it can be hard, trust me, but I also know how much it will help to eliminate them.

You may want to close your bedroom door, hide the remote from yourself (trust me, this works!), go to the library, or something else.

Sometimes you will have to force the distractions out, but it will help you save time and focus on what needs to be done.

9. Have a to-do list and a set schedule: How To Work And Go To College 

Having a to-do list is extremely helpful for working college students.

When you’re trying to balance so many things at one time, it can be difficult to keep track of everything. Your to-do list will put your responsibilities right in front of you.

The added bonus is that it feels really good to cross things off your to-do list.

You can have a to-do list that lists out your:

  • Daily,
  • Weekly, or
  • Monthly tasks.

You can use a planner, a notebook, Post-It notes, you can color code things, use stickers, etc. Just find a system that works for you and stick to it.

Balancing school and work will be much easier if you make a to-do list and keep a set schedule. Write out what needs to be done each day, which tasks have the highest priority, and so on.

I know that when I am stressed out it can be easy to forget things, and my to-do list helps me waste less time trying to figure out whether or not I forgot something.

10. Eliminate Any Wasted Time: How To Work And Go To College 

You will encounter many different time sucks throughout the day, especially as you are balancing school and work and switching back and forth between the two.

A minute here and a minute there may add up to a few hours wasted each day.

If you want to learn how to work and go to college, then you need to think about better ways to use that wasted time.

The time you save could be used towards earning more money at your job, studying, socializing, or whatever else it is that you need or want to do. For working college students, every minute is important.

There are many ways to eliminate the things that are wasting your time, including:

  • Find A Way To Work Remotely. If you have a job that allows you to work remotely, then this can help you start balancing school and work time even better. You may even be able to work in between class breaks.
  • Prep Your Meals Ahead Of Time. If you can make your meals in bulk ahead of time instead of individually making each one, you will be able to save a lot of time.
  • Cut Down On Your Commute Time. If you can find a job near your college campus then you can eliminate a lot of traveling time.
  • Be aware of how much time you spend on social media and cut back on TV. The average person wastes many, many hours on social media and watching TV.  Cutting back on this may save you hours each day without even realizing it. TV and social media can be very distracting too, which is why it is so important to be aware of how it might negatively impact your work-school balance.

10 Tips To Manage Working While Going To College

College can be tough, and working while taking classes is even harder. For many students, though, it has become a financial necessity.

This Tips on How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time will help you manage your time well while attending your college classes.

Here are the tips to help you successfully manage working while going to school. Am sure you are curious to know that!

Do you want to learn How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time?

Tips for Balancing Work and School: How To Work And Go To College

Like many other things in life, being a full-time worker and student requires balance.

The trick is in figuring out how to arrange your schedule to get everything in a day done while still maintaining your sanity. The following tips can help you find this balance.

1. Stay Organized:

Use your phone’s calendar app or Google Calendar to remind you of important events like classes and changing work shifts.

Don’t leave it up to your memory alone because life in college is too hectic to remember everything.

2. Don’t Work Between Classes

Either work before your first class or after your last class, and leave a good buffer of time in between. That way, if class or work runs late, it won’t be too much trouble.

3. Dress For Success: How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

Just in case you DO have to run from work to class or the other way around, dress in clothes that are both comfortable and work-appropriate. Master the business casual look now. It will be your best friend in the future.

4. Classes Are Always Top Priority

Work out your school schedule first. You can schedule work around your classes, but you can’t always schedule classes around work. Your degree is more important than a temporary job.

5. Get Work-Study

Work-study jobs are usually on campus and can be scheduled around your classes. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a job in your department.

If you’re really lucky, it may count toward your degree. Apply for work-study when you fill out the FAFSA and talk to your school’s financial aid department about your options.

6. Make Sure Your Employer Knows Your Availability

As soon as you get your class schedule, let your boss know. Give them a copy of your schedule and make sure they understand that you can’t work during those times. The sooner you let your employer know, the more likely they’ll be able to accommodate your scheduling needs.

7. Do Homework At Work: How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

I had a job as an afternoon nanny during college. The girls would do their homework and I would do some of mine. Nanny, barista, bookstore clerk — these are ideal jobs for college students because there’s lots of extra time to work on your own stuff.

8. Ask For Finals Week Off In Advance

If you have a project, paper, or finals coming up, give yourself the extra time you’ll need — either to study or just to have a little free time to relax and clear your head.

9. Don’t Overload Yourself:

Pick-up shifts are great if you need some extra cash, but don’t take on too much at once.

You’ll burn out fast. School is hard all by itself, and working demands your time and attention. Don’t put a strain on yourself, or both will suffer.

10. Make Time For You: How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

College is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Give yourself time to make memories and enjoy yourself. It’s not your job or classes you’ll remember most, it’s the people you meet and things you do along the way.

Juggling Full-Time Work & School – How To Balance It All & Still Stay Sane

Today there are many more non-traditional students pursuing degrees than ever before, which means the typical college experience looks a little different. How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

The estimated percentage of students who work while in school hasn’t changed much over the last several decades, but the number of hours these students are working has.

A Georgetown University report shows more than 75% of graduate students and roughly 40% of undergraduates work at least 30 hours per week while attending school.

One in four working learners is simultaneously attending full-time college while holding down a full-time job. And on top of that, about 19% of all working students have children.

Balancing a full-time job with a full course load – and for some, handling family obligations as well – isn’t easy.

If you’re one of the many trying to balance it all, read on to get expert recommendations on how to manage school and work without losing your sanity.

The Benefits of Keeping Your Full-Time Job While in School

Working full-time while in school certainly doesn’t make getting good grades any easier. How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

But there are many advantages you may not have considered when it comes to full-time work and the pursuit of a college degree. Some of the biggest benefits include:

1. You’ll Gain Real World Skills: How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

A degree means little to employers if you don’t have the skills, experience and knowledge to contribute fully to your position.

While you will certainly learn a tremendous amount in college.

The large portion of what you’ll need to succeed in the professional world will come from what you learn on the job and the soft skills you’ll obtain by working outside the classroom.

2. You’ll Have An Enhanced Classroom Learning Experience

A great way to reinforce what’s learned in the classroom is to apply that knowledge to real world settings.

Working full-time, especially in a profession related to your field of study, provides this learning opportunity.

And, even better, you can do so immediately. Many college students can do this through internships. But the opportunities may not be as frequent or readily available compared to those who work full-time.

3. You’ll Have A Steady Salary To Help Pay For School

With student loan debt at a record high. Graduating with little or no debt is a top priority for many students and can be the motivation you need to endure working 30+ hours per week. While taking a full course load each semester.

Keeping your full-time job not only saves you money by helping you avoid taking out large loans and interest on those loans. But it can also provide peace of mind, allowing you to study with less pressure of a five-figure debt hanging over your head.

4. You Can Take Advantage Of Employee Benefits

Many employers offer their full-time employees tuition assistance or reimbursement if they’re pursuing education or training that’s relevant to their current career.

Other benefits may be offered as well, such as health insurance and a 401(k).

If your employee covers your health insurance, you may be eligible for a waiver and reimbursement if the college’s tuition includes on-campus health coverage. And a 401(k) allows you to start preparing for retirement before you even graduate.

5. You’ll Have More Professional Freedom Post Graduation

By graduating with little or no debt, you may have more financial freedom to pursue a career you truly want.

Many graduates may feel pressured to take on high-paying jobs straight out of school, even if it’s a job they don’t truly want.

This can be especially true for those with massive student loan debt. Keeping your full-time job can help ensure you’re able to pursue your dream career and not just a salary.

How Can I Go To College While Working Full-Time?

Start by looking at your schedule, for both Work and School. Make sure your schedule is realistic and wastes as little time as possible. How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

You’ll want to stick to a to-do list and strict schedule, and avoid as many distractions as possible when you’re trying to get things accomplished.

One of the best ways I learned how to work and go to college was to think about my motivation.

I reminded myself that I wanted to avoid as much student loan debt as possible. That helped me when I was feeling stressed out and like I was ready to give up.

With the tips I’ve listed to help you learn how to work and go to college, you’ll be able to find more balance in your life. It’s tough, but you’re doing this for a reason.

Is It Hard To Work Full-Time And Go To College?

I’m not going to sugarcoat it. Going to college and working, whether it be full-time or part-time, is hard. How To Work And Go To College At The Same Time

It may not be hard 100% of the time, but you will definitely go through some trying times.

That’s why I believe that working college students need to be realistic.

While one person may be able to work like crazy and attend college at the same time, not everyone can do that.

If your grades are dropping, then you may want to analyze whether you should drop your hours at work or school. What is more important to you at this time and for your future?

We can’t do everything always, and being realistic will help you understand your limitations so that you don’t burn out.

Don’t forget to fit in time for fun as well. Are you working Full-Time and in College? What other tips do you have to help people? Comment Below and Let others Learn! Good Luck!