Money Topics to Discuss Before Joining College

Money topics to discuss before college. How to talk money with your college student.
Let's Talk About Money. Things That Every Student Should Know About Money Before Starting College

Entering college marks a significant milestone in a young person’s life. It’s a period of newfound independence, learning, and growth. However, it also comes with financial responsibilities that can shape their future. To ensure that students are financially prepared, it’s crucial to discuss various money-related topics before they head off to college. Here are key money topics to cover to set the stage for financial success. Here are the Money Topics to Discuss Before College every student must know about money.

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Money Topics to Discuss Before College Life Starts

Understanding College Costs

Tuition and Fees – Money Topics to Discuss Before College

Tuition is often the largest expense, but it’s essential to understand what this cost includes. Discuss how tuition rates can vary depending on whether the student attends an in-state public college, an out-of-state public college, or a private institution.

Room and Board

Explain the different housing options available, such as dormitories, off-campus apartments, and living at home. Compare the costs associated with each option, including meal plans and utilities.

Additional Expenses

Other costs to consider include textbooks, supplies, transportation, and personal expenses. Understanding these costs helps in creating a realistic budget.

Budgeting Basics – Money Topics to Discuss Before College

Creating a Budget

Teach the importance of creating a budget to manage income and expenses. A budget helps track spending, save money, and avoid unnecessary debt. Provide a simple template or use budgeting apps to get started.

Tracking Expenses

Emphasize the need to track all expenses, no matter how small. Small purchases can add up quickly, and tracking them helps in staying within budget.

Adjusting the Budget

A budget is not set in stone. Encourage regular reviews and adjustments to accommodate changes in income or unexpected expenses.

Income Sources

Part-Time Jobs – Money Topics to Discuss Before College

Discuss the pros and cons of working part-time while attending college. Highlight the importance of balancing work and study to avoid burnout.

Scholarships and Grants

Explain the differences between scholarships and grants and how to apply for them. Many students miss out on free money because they don’t apply.

Student Loans

If taking out student loans is necessary, ensure the student understands the terms and conditions, interest rates, and repayment plans. Discuss the long-term implications of student debt.

Credit and Banking – Money Topics to Discuss Before College

Opening a Bank Account

Guide them through the process of opening a checking and savings account. Explain how to use online banking, mobile apps, and ATMs.

Understanding Credit

Teach the basics of credit, including how to build and maintain a good credit score. Discuss the dangers of credit card debt and the importance of paying off the balance in full each month.

Credit Cards

If appropriate, discuss the responsible use of credit cards. Explain how interest works and the importance of timely payments to avoid late fees and damage to credit scores.

Financial Aid – Money Topics to Discuss Before College

Types of Financial Aid

Clarify the different types of financial aid available, including federal aid, state aid, institutional aid, and private scholarships. Explain the application process for each type.


The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a crucial step in securing financial aid. Discuss the importance of filling it out accurately and on time.

Evaluating Financial Aid Offers

Help them understand how to evaluate and compare financial aid offers from different schools. Discuss the implications of accepting loans versus grants and scholarships.

Managing Living Expenses

Food and Groceries – Money Topics to Discuss Before College

Compare the costs of dining hall meal plans versus cooking at home. Provide tips on how to shop smart, plan meals, and avoid food waste.


Discuss transportation options such as public transit, biking, or having a car. Highlight the costs associated with each, including gas, maintenance, parking, and insurance.

Entertainment and Social Activities

Encourage finding a balance between enjoying college life and sticking to a budget. Suggest affordable or free activities and events available on campus or in the community.

Saving and Investing Money Topics to Discuss Before College

Importance of Saving –

Stress the importance of building an emergency fund and setting aside money for future expenses. Teach the habit of saving a portion of any income received.

Introduction to Investing

While college might not seem like the right time to start investing, it’s never too early to learn the basics. Discuss simple investment options like savings accounts, CDs, or introductory investment accounts.

Financial Responsibility and Independence

Financial Decision-Making – Money Topics to Discuss Before College

Encourage making informed and thoughtful financial decisions. Discuss scenarios where they might need to choose between wants and needs.

Avoiding Peer Pressure

College life comes with social pressures that can lead to overspending. Teach them to stay true to their budget and financial goals, even when friends are spending more freely.

Seeking Financial Advice

Ensure they know where to seek help when facing financial difficulties. Most colleges offer financial counseling services, and there are numerous online resources available.

Conclusion Money Topics to Discuss Before College

Discussing these money topics before college equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to manage their finances effectively.

With a solid financial foundation, they can focus on their studies and make the most of their college experience without the stress of financial instability.

Preparing for these conversations early and revisiting them regularly can make a significant difference in their financial well-being during and after college.